This T.S. Eliot quote reminds me of how I learn now, as an adult. And I remember learning this way as a young child.
But there was this long period of time in between where I thought that the only things that could be learned through wonder and adventure and magical exploration were music and art. Those things have always been magical to me.
But why not math? Why not science? Why not history?
At some point in my life, these subjects became more about survival for me. It was about memorizing facts and doing just enough to skate by with a solid B on my report card and then closing the textbook. Ending the chore. Checking the box.
Was Einstein’s journey to discover the energy equivalence formula a chore? Was da Vinci’s time investment on exploring architecture and engineering an annoyance? Did Nikola Tesla essentially usher in the age of electrical power to check a box?
Or is it that math, science, engineering, and architecture were their “music and art”? Can every subject be explored unceasingly, passionately, magically?
“We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.” Thanks for the reminder, T.S. Eliot