I feel so honored that you’re here and I’m happy to have you as part of my tribe of loving parents who think outside the box.
I’m a passionate mama of 3 (ages 13, 10, and 7). This is our 7th year homeschooling, and I’ve learned a whole lot along the way. I’m a teacher at heart in the sense that I love sharing with others what I’ve learned. But I actually prefer teaching my adult peers more than I do children. 😉
Happy at Homeschool was created to strengthen the homeschooling parent and create deeper connections at home.
My goal is to share with you all the things I wish I would have known the day I started this journey.
I hope to be your constant reminder that you CAN do this. In partnership with God, you already have everything you need within you to inspire passion-based learning in your children. Let’s tap into that!
My learning philosophy is rooted in the belief that we as parents have been given the divine stewardship to raise our children in love, safety, and righteousness. I believe that parents are a child’s best teachers and that the home (more specifically alongside family, regardless of location) is the ideal setting for learning and becoming.Â
Play is the work of childhood. When children’s hearts are educated first, through beautiful art, inspiring music and books, and an atmosphere of safety and play, they will naturally enter a love of learning phase that is so exciting to witness!Â
As we allow our children to lead their education through their own interests and inspiration, we facilitate a lifelong passion for learning and growth.
I geek out over music, nutrition, natural living, self development, history, spirituality, and all forms of art. INFP/ENFP, depending on my mood. Enneagram 3/9. I’m glad you’re here! Let’s be friends!

I feel so honored that you’re here and I’m happy to have you as part of my tribe of loving parents who think outside the box.
I’m a passionate mama of 3 (ages 12, 9, and 6). This is our 7th year homeschooling, and I’ve learned a whole lot along the way. I’m a teacher at heart in the sense that I love sharing with others what I’ve learned. But I actually prefer teaching my adult peers more than I do children. 😉
Happy at Homeschool was created to strengthen the homeschooling parent and create deeper connections at home.
My goal is to share with you all the things I wish I would have known the day I started this journey.
I hope to be your constant reminder that you CAN do this. In partnership with God, you already have everything you need within you to inspire passion-based learning in your children. Let’s tap into that!
My learning philosophy is rooted in the belief that we as parents have been given the divine stewardship to raise our children in love, safety, and righteousness. I believe that parents are a child’s best teachers and that the home (more specifically alongside family, regardless of location) is the ideal setting for learning and becoming.Â
Play is the work of childhood. When children’s hearts are educated first, through beautiful art, inspiring music and books, and an atmosphere of safety and play, they will naturally enter a love of learning phase that is so exciting to witness!Â
As we allow our children to lead their education through their own interests and inspiration, we facilitate a lifelong passion for learning and growth.
I geek out over music, nutrition, natural living, self development, history, spirituality, and all forms of art. INFP/ENFP, depending on my mood. Enneagram 3/9. I’m glad you’re here! Let’s be friends!
“Where are the writing lessons you may ask? Â Where is the college prep? It’s everywhere! Instead of reading a dozen or more assigned books, your children are likely to have read hundreds. That’s how Jefferson, Scott, Stowe, Stevenson and Tolstoy learned. Â And as your children read, they will have pondered and asked their own questions. Their minds will be filled with ideas and their hearts will be full of desire. The secret of their success will not be in how many things they know about, but in how many things they care about.
And they’ll care about a lot of things.”
“We ask children to do for most of a day what few adults are able to do for even an hour. How many of us, attending, say, a lecture that doesn’t interest us, can keep our minds from wandering? Hardly any.”
“The home is the first and most effective place to learn the lessons of life: truth, honor, virtue, self control, the value of education, honest work, and the purpose and privilege of life.”
“Our homes are the ultimate setting for learning, living and becoming.”
“Education doesn’t need to be reformed. It needs to be transformed. The key to this transformation is not to standardize education, but to personalize it, to build achievement on discovering the individual talents of each child, to put students in an environment where they want to learn and where they can naturally discover their true passions.”
“You cannot parent a child whose heart you do not have.”
“The calling to be a parent includes the gift to teach in ways that are right for you and your children.”
“Children are not a distraction from the more important work. They ARE the most important work.”Â
“They believe that education is something that children (and people of all ages) do for themselves, not something done to them, and they believe that education is a normal part of all life, not something separate from life that occurs at special times in special places.”
“I suppose it is because nearly all children go to school nowadays and have things arranged for them that they seem so forlornly unable to produce their own ideas.
“Don’t question your ability to teach your child. Question putting your child into the same system that left you feeling incapable of teaching your child.”