Inspirational Quotes
Remodel your home to a sanctuary of faith.My church recently held their semi-annual inspirational conference. There are so many messages at this conference, and I like to take notes on action items that I feel are important for me. One of the things that came through strongly for me was to “remodel your home to a sanctuary of faith.”
You know what? A good portion of my Instagram feed is home remodeling and decorating accounts. I spend a lot of time dreaming and designing ways to make my home beautiful. Recently, my husband and I made a large list of things we’d like to remodel in our home, and have prioritized those projects in a big spreadsheet. Of course I want everything on the list done yesterday. Then I’ll love my home and everything else in my life will automatically be perfect, right? 😉 Haha. Obviously not.
The note I wrote down was to REMODEL my home to be a sanctuary of faith. There are so many ways I can do this that will bring the feeling of love and beauty and faith to my home, which require little to no money. I can do these things now, and who knows? Maybe I’ll decide that I don’t “need” to do half of my “remodeling” because is it truly a look I’m going for? Or a feeling?
The ideas that flowed from my pen as I brainstormed how I am to remodel my home included some physical things and some non-tangible things. What am I surrounding myself with? What are the images, the books, the music, the TV shows, the habits, the traditions, the culture I am creating within my home, and how can I remodel all of these?
There were just a couple of quotes that I wrote down and circled because I felt like I needed them to be displayed in my home. So this morning, I designed these simple printables which can be hung on a wall or set into a picture frame, or just printed and stuck on the fridge. I get bored of decor, so I wanted them to be simple and to be able to go with everything.
I’m offering them as a free download that you can grab below the image previews. It will download as a high-quality printable PDF that you can print large or small (up to poster size). Enjoy!
If you’d like to listen to or read some of the talks from this conference, it is the General Conference from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Here is a link to all of them. And here is a direct link to one of the talks I especially enjoyed by Michelle Craig.